Drexel Computer Science Theory Reading Group

The Drexel Computer Science Theory Reading Group is a group of graduate, undergraduate, and high school students led by Prof. Vasilis Gkatzelis. The topics covered during the reading group's weekly meetings focus on advanced material in algorithm design and analysis, and they range from textbook material to current research questions and open problems in theoretical computer science. We thank Kira Goldner for sharing the template for this homepage.

Date Topic
October 11, 2024Marius Garbea on Statistical Estimation and the German Tank Problem
October 4, 2024Rishi Patel on Feedback Arc Sets
May 31, 2024Xizhi Tan on Mechanism Design with Predictions
May 10, 2024Rishi Patel on Random Walks
May 3, 2024Mihir Rao on Graph Machine Learning
April 26, 2024Shahin Jabbari on Learning in the Mistake Bound Model
April 19, 2024Marius Garbea on Graph Embeddings and Planarity
April 12, 2024Shahin Jabbari on Learning from Expert Advice
April 5, 2024Rishi Patel on Counting the Perfect Matchings
March 15, 2024Guest Presentation: Chen Wang on Streaming Bandits
March 8, 2024Manolis Pountourakis on Truthful Voting
March 1, 2024Shahin Jabbari continues on Shuffling Cards
February 23, 2024Shahin Jabbari on Shuffling Cards
February 2, 2024Manolis Pountourakis on Behavioral Agents
December 1, 2023Manolis Pountourakis on Time-inconsistent Agents
November 17, 2023Emma Rewinski on Truthful Mechanisms for Distortion in Metric Matching
November 10, 2023Omesh Dwivedi continues on Distortion in Metric Matchings
November 3, 2023Omesh Dwivedi Distortion in Metric Matchings
October 27, 2023Vasilis Gkatzelis continues on the Prize Collecting Steiner Tree Problem
October 13, 2023Vasilis Gkatzelis on the Prize Collecting Steiner Tree Problem
June 9, 2023Omesh Dwivedi on Turan's Graph Theorem
June 2, 2023Mihir Rao on Informational Asymmetry, Adverse Selection, and Reputation Systems
May 26, 2023Rishi Patel on Crossing Numbers
May 19, 2023Marius Garbea on Problems in Ramsey Theory
May 12, 2023Vasilis Gkatzelis on How to Guard a Museum
May 5, 2023Manolis Pountourakis on Bayesian Persuasion
April 28, 2023Vasilis Gkatzelis on Line Segment Intersection
April 14, 2023Marius Garbea on Scoring Rules
March 10, 2023Guest Presentation: Yichi Zhang on "A System-Level Analysis of Conference Peer Review"
March 3, 2023Shahin Jabbari on the Randomized Response
February 24, 2023Marius Garbea on the Core in Cooperative Games
February 17, 2023Dan Schoepflin on Streaming and Sketching Algorithms
February 10, 2023Vasilis Gkatzelis on the Distortion of Voting Rules
November 18, 2022Marius Garbea continues on Matching Algorithms
November 11, 2022Marius Garbea on Matching Algorithms
October 21, 2022Guest Presentation: Sam Taggart on "An Algorithmic Introduction to Savings Circles"
October 14, 2022Manolis Pountourakis on Bayesian algorithmic delegation
October 7, 2022Vasilis Gkatzelis on computational geometry and K-d trees
September 30, 2022Dan Schoepflin on multi-stage eligibility mechanisms
June 3, 2022Xizhi Tan continues on Games, equilibria, and price of anarchy
May 27, 2022Xizhi Tan on Games, equilibria, and price of anarchy
May 13, 2022Yusuf Osmanlioglu on (Computational) Network Neuroscience
May 6, 2022Dan Schoepflin continues on "Beyond Cake Cutting: Allocating Homogeneous Divisible Resources"
April 29, 2022Dan Schoepflin on "Beyond Cake Cutting: Allocating Homogeneous Divisible Resources"
April 22, 2022Mihir Rao continues on the Analysis of Impartial Combinatorial Games
April 15, 2022Mihir Rao on the Analysis of Impartial Combinatorial Games
April 8, 2022Xizhi Tan on Strategic Facility Location with Predictions
April 1, 2022Xizhi Tan on Strategic Facility Location
March 11, 2022John Bonnes on Zero-knowledge Proofs
March 4, 2022Manolis Pountourakis continues on Algorithms and Mechanisms for Approval Voting
February 25, 2022Manolis Pountourakis on Algorithms and Mechanisms for Approval Voting
February 18, 2022Vasilis Gkatzelis on Online Algorithms
November 19, 2021Dan Schoepflin continues on single-parameter forward auction settings and the design of deferred acceptance clock auctions
November 12, 2021Dan Schoepflin on single-parameter forward auction settings and the design of deferred acceptance clock auctions
November 05, 2021Steve Earth on "Fun with Lift and Ants: the mysteries of uncomputable functions"
October 29, 2021Shahin Jabbari on "An Introduction to Algorithmic Fairness for Machine Learning"
October 22, 2021Nick DeFilippis on Path Procument Auctions and Frugality
October 15, 2021Xizhi Tan on Cooperative Model of Bargaining
October 8, 2021John Bonnes continues on Latin Squares
October 1, 2021John Bonnes on Latin Squares
May 28, 2021John Bonnes on Combinatorial Game Theory, Minimax, and Alpha-Beta Pruning
May 21, 2021Vasilis Gkatzelis on Orthogonal Range Searching
May 14, 2021Guest Presentation: Daniel Halpern on "Fair Division with Partial Information"
May 7, 2021 Shahin Jabbari on "Hierarchical Policy Making Using a Game Theoretic Approach"
April 30, 2021Xizhi Tan on Online Algorithms and The List Accessing Problem
April 16, 2021Mathilda Nguyen on Introduction to Multi-armed Bandits
April 9, 2021Vasilis Gkatzelis on Introduction to Computational Geometry and Finding the Convex Hull
April 2, 2021Dan Schoepflin on Budget Feasible Auctions
March 19, 2021Dan Schoepflin on Minimizing and Maximizing Submodular Functions Continued
March 12, 2021Dan Schoepflin on Minimizing and Maximizing Submodular Functions
March 5, 2021Manolis Pountourakis on Algorithmic Game Theory and the Energy Grid
November 20, 2020Manolis Pountourakis on Risk Aversion/Seeking Models for Agent Behavior in Mechanism Design
October 30, 2020Guest Presentation: Alex Psomas on "Theory and Practice of Fair Resource Allocation"
October 23, 2020Incentives in Fair Division
October 9, 2020Dan Schoepflin on Allocating Homogeneous Divisible Resources
October 2, 2020Cassie Buhler on "Portfolio Optimization"
September 25, 2020Pranav Garimidi on "Achieving Propotionality up to the Maximin Item with Indivisible Goods"
September 11, 2020Guest Presentation: Aris Filos-Ratsikas on "The Distortion of Distributed Voting and Facility Location"
August 28, 2020Cake Cutting
August 21, 2020Guest Presentation: Curtis Bechtel on "Efficient Delegation without Payments"
August 7, 2020Guest Presentation: Orestis Papadigenopoulos on "Single Sample Prophet Inequalities"
July 31, 2020Xizhi Tan on Budget-feasible Auctions
July 24, 2020Guest Presentation: Hadi Elzayn on "Differentially Private Call Auctions and Market Impact"
July 17, 2020Dan Schoepflin on Bayesian Clock Auctions
June 26, 2020Guest Presentation: Mohamad Latifian on "Resource-Aware Protocols for Network Cost-Sharing Games"
May 29, 2020Guest Presentation: David Zeng on "Fairness-Efficiency Tradeoffs in Dynamic Fair Division"
May 22, 2020Manolis Pountourakis on Repeated Sales with Multiple Strategic Buyers continued
May 15, 2020Manolis Pountourakis on Repeated Sales with Multiple Strategic Buyers
May 8, 2020Vasilis Gkatzelis on Resolving the Optimal Metric Distortion Conjecture
May 1, 2020Safa Aman on Money Burning and Residual Surplus Maximization
April 24, 2020Xizhi Tan on Dynamic Fair Division of Divisible Items
April 17, 2020Dan Schoepflin on Online Contention Resolution Schemes
April 10, 2020Dan Schoepflin on Online Matching and Bayesian Online Selection
February 21, 2020Manolis Pountourakis on Algorithmic Delegation
February 14, 2020Vasilis Gkatzelis on Offline and Online Fair Division of Divisible Goods
January 31, 2020Guest Presentation: Sam Taggart on "Revenue Covering and Price of Anarchy"
November 22, 2019Manolis Pountourakis on The Pandora's Box Problem
November 15, 2019Manolis Pountourakis on Prophet Inequalities
November 8, 2019Manolis Pountourakis on The Secretary Problem and Introduction to Prophet Inequalities
November 1, 2019Introduction to the Secretary Problem
October 18, 2019Maximum Weight Matching in Bipartite Graphs and the K nig-Egev ry theorem
October 11, 2019Maximum Cardinality Matching in Bipartite Graphs
June 7, 2019Peter Gagliardi on "An Exploration of Fractals and Tilings"
May 31, 2019Curtis Bechtel on "Lower Bounds for Running Time of Certain Problems"
May 24, 2019Dan Schoepflin on "The Performance of Ascending and Descending Clock Auctions"
May 17, 2019Marius Garbea on "Algorithms for Easy and Hard Variants of Interval Scheduling"
May 10, 2019Pranav Garimidi on "Fair Allocation of Indivisible Goods"
May 3, 2019The Dinitz Problem continued
April 26, 2019The Dinitz Problem and Graph Coloring
April 19, 2019Bailey Flanigan on "Budget-Feasible Mechanisms"
April 12, 2019Set Cover and Uncapacitated Facility Location (upper and lower bounds)
April 5, 2019Set Cover and Uncapacitated Facility Location (greedy algorithm and reduction)
March 22, 2019Dan Schoepflin on "Money-Free Truthful Scheduling Mechanisms" continued
March 15, 2019Dan Schoepflin on "Money-Free Truthful Scheduling Mechanisms"
March 8, 2019Guest Presentation: Emmanouil Pountourakis on "Algorithmic Delegation"
March 1, 2019Combinatorial Arguments and Metric Steiner Tree
February 22, 2019Spanning Trees and Cayley's Formula
December 7, 2018Traveling Salesperson II and Steiner Tree
November 30, 2018Traveling Salesperson I
November 16, 2018Scheduling Algorithms
November 9, 2018 Makespan Minimization
November 2, 2018 K-center Problem II and reductions
October 26, 2018 K-center Problem I
October 19, 2018 Vertex Cover - Linear Programming
October 12, 2018 Vertex Cover - Greedy
October 5, 2018 Vertex Cover - Optimal algorithms for classes of graphs
September 28, 2018 Overview of topics
September 14, 2018 Introduction to linear programming II
September 7, 2018 Introduction to linear programming I
August 31, 2018 Introduction to dynamic programming III
August 24, 2018 Introduction to dynamic programming II
August 17, 2018 Knapsack and introduction to dynamic programming I
August 10, 2018 Introduction to optimization problems and knapsack